Hoopa Tribal Education Association
Vision Statement
We, the Na:tinixwe, are entrusted with the land, our heritage, and our people. We strive to live in harmony with our world and teach our children to walk in a good way. We have always educated our children and will continue to teach them, weaving together cultural knowledge and tribal values with contemporary education to invoke, inspire, and strengthen our community for the benefit of us all.
Raelene Carpenter
Awards Coordinator
Pamela Branham
Office Assistant
Education Programs
After School Program
Shelly Carpenter
(530) 625-1009
521 Loop Road
PO Box 521
Hoopa, CA 95546
Fax: (530) 625-1149
Early Head Start
Angel Korb
(530) 625-1609
777 Loop Road
PO Box 939
Hoopa, CA 95546
Fax: (530) 625-1095
Head Start Program
Lola Henry
(530) 625-1609
777 Loop Road
PO Box 1287
Hoopa, CA 95546
Fax: (530) 625-1095
Truancy Wellness Program
Lola Henry
(530) 625-1609
777 Loop Road
PO Box 1287
Hoopa, CA 95546
Fax: (530) 625-1095
Hoopa Career and Technical Education Program/ College of the Redwoods Klamath-Trinity Instructional Site
Misty Knight
(530) 625-4821 Ext. 105
65 Orchard Street
PO Box 529
Hoopa, CA 95546
Fax: (530) 625-4895
Hoopa-Yurok Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Leanne Estrada
(530) 625-5081
107 Orchard Street
PO Box 669
Hoopa, CA 95546
Fax: (530) 625-9306
NDN Center - NohołDiniłayding-Niwho:ngxw (JOM)
Ashtyn Colegrove
(530) 625-4040
49 Orchard Street
PO Box 428
Hoopa, CA 95546
Fax: (530) 625-5444
Scholarship and Grant Requirements
Tribal Grant & Scholarship Awards*
Hoopa Tribal Members are eligible for this award based on current GPA.
GPA eligibility:
Grant Awards-
High school graduate 2.0-2.99
College student 2.0-2.49
Scholarship Awards-
High school graduate 3.0+
College student 2.5+
-Grant Awards are $1500 for an academic year at full-time enrollment.
-Scholarship Awards are $2500 for an academic year at full-time enrollment.
-Awards are prorated for half-time and ¾ time enrollment.
-Awards are divided by each term of enrollment.
-Award payback is prorated to next award or by arranged repayment methods.
-Award applications are due each academic year.
-These awards are issued to the student and do not need to be reported to any financial aid agency.
-Students may also apply for a BIA Higher Education Award OR an Adult Vocational Training Award
-See application for all required documentation.
-Grade reports are due each term.
BIA Higher Education Awards*
Hoopa Tribal Members are eligible to apply for this award if enrolled in an accredited junior college or university, has full-time enrollment, and has a current GPA of at least 2.0.
-Awards are issued to undergraduate students only.
-Award maximum is $5000 per academic year.
-Awards are divided by each term enrolled.
-Award payback is prorated to next award or by arranged repayment methods.
-Students must have a financial need determined by the college’s financial aid office.
-Awards are first issued to the college and then disbursed to students from the college.
-Award amount is calculated into overall financial aid.
-Award applications and Financial Needs Analysis’ are due each academic year.
-Students may also apply for a Tribal Grant & Scholarship Award, but not an Adult Vocational Training Award.
-See application for all required documentation.
-Grade reports are due each term.
Adult Vocational Training and Employment Assistance Awards*
Hoopa Tribal Members may apply for these awards when enrolled in a certificate program or has a need for their current employment.
-Award amounts vary and are issued on a first come-first served basis.
-Awards are determined by the Education Board of Directors.
-Awards may be issued to the student or the institute/program attending.
-Students may also apply for a Tribal Grant, but not a BIA Higher Education Award
-A payback policy applies to these awards.
-See application for all required documentation.
-Progress reports and/or certificates of completion are required when available.
*See regulations for additional details
Board of Directors
Dawn Blake
Ellen Colegrove
Frank Richards
Joseph Orozco
Tasha James
- Tribal Grant & Scholarship Awards Application
- Hoopa Higher Education Application (formerly BIA Higher Education Application)
- Adult Vocational Training & Employment Assistance Application

Contact Us
Hoopa Tribal Education Association
47 Orchard Street
PO Box 428
Hoopa, CA 95546
Phone: (530) 625-4413
Fax: (530) 625-5444
About Hoopa Valley Tribe
We, the Hoopa Valley Tribe, are a Tribal Government dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests of the Hoopa Valley Indians, and cooperating and collaborating with Federal, State, and local Governments.
Hoopa Valley Tribe
11860 State Hwy 96
PO Box 1348
Hoopa, CA 95546
Phone: 530-625-4211
Fax: (530) 625-4594
Follow Us:
Copyright 2003 - 2020 The Hoopa Valley Tribe