Hoopa Tribal Head Start
P.O Box 1287
Hoopa, California 95546
Phone: 530-625-1609 Fax: 530-6251095
Email: hoopaheadstart@gmail.com

Servicing children 3-5 years old who live on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation
1 Full-Day Classrooms( year long)
1 Full-Day Classroom (9 months long) Sept-May
1 Am Session/Pm Session (9 months long) Sept-May
Our program is implementing our Hupa Language in everyday use. We hope to  have a Hupa Language Immersion class within 3 years.

Please use the photo attached for our website with the following caption:
"Cherishing every moment, nurturing every child's education through love and respect for one's self, one's family, and one's tribe, and one's nation"


Lola Henry, Manager/Director
Hoopa Tribal Head Start
Hoopa Valley Tribe

About Hoopa Valley Tribe

We, the Hoopa Valley Tribe, are a Tribal Government dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests of the Hoopa Valley Indians, and cooperating and collaborating with Federal, State, and local Governments.


Hoopa Valley Tribe

11860 State Hwy 96

PO Box 1348

Hoopa, CA 95546

Phone: 530-625-4211

Fax: (530) 625-4594

Follow Us:

Copyright 2003 - 2020 The Hoopa Valley Tribe