Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department

Mission Statement
The mission of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department is to protect individual rights, safety, and to build trust and cooperation within the community. We are committed to being a leader among tribal law enforcement agencies. Our purpose is to provide a safe environment for Tribal Members and visitors, while also protecting the lands, resources, culture, and sovereignty of the Hoopa Valley Tribe.
Vision Statement
The Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department will be recognized as the standard of excellence in policing. We will be an organization dedicated to improvement, community involvement, and quality leadership.
Core Values
We, as members of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department, are committed to the following CORE VALUES in providing people of the Hoopa Valley Reservation with personalized and effective service:
+ We value honesty and integrity. We expect all members of the Hoopa Tribal Police Department to have the strength of character, maintain exemplary conduct and carry out their duties with high moral and ethical standards.
+ We value the cultural diversity within our Community and our Department. We treat members of the Community and members of our Department with respect while being objective and impartial. We respect the civil and human rights of all individuals. We do not act selectively toward individuals based on their race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, or belief.
+ We value the partnerships we form with all members of our Community. We encourage and appreciate their participation in addressing issues in our Community. Together we can work towards the common goal of improving the quality of life and reducing crime.
+ We value a strong work ethic. Through motivated leadership, we use innovation and creativity to address issues within our Community proactively. We recognize that every employee of our Department has specific and unique strengths that can contribute to our Departmental goals. We work with courage and commitment to make a positive contribution to our Community.
+ We value a reverence for all laws. We recognize that our civil and just society is founded upon the principle of the Rule of Law. No individual is above the law, and all individuals are accountable to it. It is critical that we obey the letter and support the spirit of the law. We recognize the Hoopa Valley Tribal Constitution and the United States Constitution as the Supreme Law of our Land, and we are sworn to uphold it.

Contact Us
Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department
PO Box 1341
Hoopa, CA 95546
Phone: 530-625-4202
Fax: 530-625-4265
About Hoopa Valley Tribe
We, the Hoopa Valley Tribe, are a Tribal Government dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests of the Hoopa Valley Indians, and cooperating and collaborating with Federal, State, and local Governments.
Hoopa Valley Tribe
11860 State Hwy 96
PO Box 1348
Hoopa, CA 95546
Phone: 530-625-4211
Fax: (530) 625-4594
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Copyright 2003 - 2020 The Hoopa Valley Tribe