Hoopa Valley Food Security Survey
The Hoopa Valley Tribe is performing a food security survey for all tribal members, to help determine food sovereignty and guide decisions made by tribal leaders.
To gather information from our community regarding Food Sovereignty in the Hoopa Valley. The data collected will provide us with a database of key information that we can use to help identify the framework for an Agriculture and Resiliency Plan.
If you would like to be entered into our drawing, please list your contact information on the survey. The winners will be picked through a randomized electronic process. We will offer 3 prizes:
- $50 gift card & canner
- $50 gift card & canner
- $50 gift card & canning supplies
How to take the food security survey
There are two ways to take the survey: electronically or on paper.
- Filling out the survey electronically
- Go to https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eXoI2UjlsSPVKdM and follow the instructions there
- Responses will be automatically recorded upon completion of your survey.
- Filling out a paper survey
- Paper copies can be downloaded from here, or a copy can be obtained by contacting Meagen Baldy, District Coordinator at KTRCD, at meagen18@gmail.com; or Raven Wilder-Surber, Planner I at the Hoopa Planning Department, at raven.wilder@hotmail.com.
- Once your survey has been filled out, you can submit it by:
- Dropping it off at the Hoopa Valley Tribal Office reception or drop box
- Mailing it to:
Attention: Planning Department
PO Box 1348
61 Cal Pac Road
Hoopa, CA 95546 - Scanning and emailing it to:
raven.wilder@hotmail.com- Please use the subject: Community Needs Assessment
Submission Deadline
The assessment will close on Friday, October 28th by 12:00pm Pacific Time. Surveys received after this date and time will not be accepted.
If you have any questions, please contact Raven Wilder-Surber, Planner I at the Hoopa Planning Department, at raven.wilder@hotmail.com or (707) 599-1293.